Transfer pricing virtual assistant

Welcome to our virtual Transfer Pricing assistant's page!
The virtual consultant for transfer pricing is your reliable assistant in determining controlled transactions.

How does the virtual consultant work?

How to get started:

  1. Begin with a greeting, such as "вітаю", "привіт", "добрий день" etc.,
  2. Or immediately specify what you are interested in, for example, "низькоподаткові юрисдикції" "пов’язаність сторін" "вартісні критерії" "звітність" etc.

The consultant provides assistance with the following questions: 

  • Helps understand if the counterparty can be recognized as a related entity;
  • Assists in understanding whether economic operations can be recognized as controlled transactions;
  • Determines whether the counterparty's jurisdiction belongs to low-tax jurisdictions and whether the organizational-legal form of the counterparty is listed in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution dated July 4, 2017, No. 480;
  • Provides advice on calculating valuation criteria;
  • Provides information on transfer pricing reporting.


What advantages does our virtual assistant provide? 

It ensures quick and convenient verification of non-resident counterparties and economic operations with them, as well as provides advice and useful information to help you ensure compliance with transfer pricing legislation.

Our virtual assistant is ready to assist you wherever you are, at any time. All you need is a device to access this page and an internet connection.


Limitations regarding our liability for the conclusions of the virtual consultant

Please be aware that the conclusions of the virtual consultant are generated automatically based on the information you provide in the chat and the embedded algorithm. The virtual consultant was developed by experts in transfer pricing at Forvis Mazars in Ukraine, taking into account the norms of the current legislation. However, the conclusions of the virtual consultant are not final legal opinions, as they may not consider specific circumstances of a particular transaction. The virtual consultant provides approximate conclusions to determine potential tax risks in economic operations with non-resident entities.

For a final legal opinion that takes into account all circumstances of specific economic operations with non-resident counterparts, please contact Kateryna Borysenko, Transfer Pricing Practice Leader at Forvis Mazars in Ukraine, at


Confidentiality and security of the data provided by you 

The virtual consultant does not ask for confidential or personal information from you, except for your name. In some cases, when you wish to receive feedback, the consultant may ask for your email. The tool is built on the Microsoft Power Agents platform, which ensures a high level of data protection. We do not transmit, sell, distribute, or disclose the data you provide. However, we ask you not to provide the virtual consultant with:

  • Any confidential information;
  • Personal data beyond what is mentioned above and what the virtual consultant requests to ensure your convenient and comfortable use;
  • Any data classified as state, tax, banking secrecy, or other types of restricted-access information, etc.

In case you disregard this requirement and provide such information to the virtual consultant, you assume all associated risks and responsibilities.

We recommend reviewing detailed information on the following pages:

Terms of use of the virtual consultant

Privacy policy and personal data protection
