Insurance Information Technology Leadership Study

In today’s quickly-changing insurance marketplace, information technology is both a central element in day-to-day operations and an increasingly important source of competitive advantage. Insurance CIOs must perform a difficult balancing act of supporting operations, minimizing risk, reacting to changes in the business environment,and evaluating emerging technologies to ensure that their organizations remain competitive.


Successfully navigating these challenges requires ensuring that technology investments are clearly tied to business strategy and are effectively managed to achieve their objectives.
The WeiserMazars 2013 Insurance Information Technology Leadership Study explores the ways in which today’s Insurance CIOs are dealing with these challenges.

Some of our Key Topics concluded that:

  1. Companies that close their books faster work fewer hours.
  2. Higher performing companies budget to increase technology spend.
  3. Innovation is focused on social, mobile and workflow.
  4. The most significant investment is in technology to support business unit functions that deal with Risk Management.
  5. Agility - the ability to react quickly to changing business needs is a major concern. This indicates an underlying need for insurance companies to build flexible technology infrastructures and institute iterative and responsive system deployment processes.

If you would like to discuss the Study and the ways that our firm can help your IT department achieve excellence and improve your IT infrastructure, or would like to request a hard copy sent to you please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Weisermazars 2013 CIO study