Beyond the GAAP no.153 - March 2021
Beyond the GAAP no.153 - March 2021
In light of this, the new amendment to IFRS 16, which permits a lessee to apply the practical expedient to concessions on lease payments due up to 30 June 2022 (instead of 30 June 2021 initially), is very welcome.
For many readers, the impact of the pandemic on financial statements is doubtless still the major concern, but it is nevertheless worth taking a look at the sweeping changes to financial and non-financial reporting that are set to take effect over the next few years. The features in this issue of Beyond the GAAP thus cover both the IASB’s initial redeliberations on its Primary Financial Statements project, and the possible roadmap for the elaboration of mandatory EU non-financial reporting standards, to be published by EFRAG if its mandate is extended by the European Commission.
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