Transforming the finance function - The use of shared services and outsourcing can not be stopped [February 2012]

Gregoire Dattee, Managing Partner at Mazars Ukraine, shared with his vision of the finance function transforming in Ukraine. – February 06, 2012

Gregoire Dattee, Managing Partner at Mazars in Ukraine

Read full article online (in Russian).

"Given the ever-changing tax and financial climate in Ukraine, we see a trend that more and more companies outsource for accounting, tax and payroll services. Thus, the company gets more value from cooperation with highly-skilled and experienced professional advisers, who are always ready to analyze the situation of any complexity. For smaller companies outsourcing provides greater confidentiality of sensitive information, such as information on wages and banking accounts, as well as simplifies recruitment and personnel management, improves reliable quality control and involvement of experts. Moreover, companies report that outsourcing saves them a lot of time enabling them to focus their efforts and energy on the development of their core business."

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