Forvis Mazars, a different player in auditing, accounting, tax and advisory services in Senegal

Forvis Mazars in Senegal offers quality services to firms in the areas of financial audit, accounts support, consulting, the implementation of I.T systems, and tax and legal advisory services.
  • Forvis Mazars in Senegal is a Public Limited Company with 100,000,000 CFA in capital assets, registered in the "Ordre National des Experts Comptables et Comptables Agréés du Sénégal" and has a technical manpower of 180 people made up of certified public accountants, lawyers, tax experts, financial advisors, financial auditors etc.
  • Forvis Mazars in Senegal is one of the major players in its profession in Senegal and practices audit mandates with large companies from the following sectors: banking, oil & gas, insurance, industry, services…
  • Forvis Mazars is referenced to a number of international organisations to whom it offers diverse services in the areas of financial audit and advisory services.
  • Forvis Mazars in Senegal’s consulting activities concern a number of areas :
    •  the organisation and improvement of performances,
    •  internal control and risk management,
    •  financial reconstruction and the drawing up of business plans,
    •  preparation of management tools and process optimisation etc.