
To give you greater confidence in your business and the decisions you're taking, Mazars has developed Optimize: our proprietary business diagnostics and benchmarking platform

Optimize: a look under the hood

Optimize brings a suite of powerful capabilities to support your objectives.

  • Granular benchmark database – Optimize gives you a better grasp of the challenge ahead. It helps quantify strategic priorities and KPI targets based on analysis of data from over 60,000 organisations across 28 countries. The platform uses 4 years of financial and operational data to deliver bespoke benchmarks of top performing organisations within your sector and geography.
  • Fully comprehensive assessments – Optimize allows you to assess how all the core value drivers of your business interact with one another and drive your profitability, financial strength, investment returns and business risk. Based on Mazars’ tried and tested Shareholder Value & Business Performance Framework, Optimize brings together information on all of the following performance drivers in a dynamic and insightful way, from which it builds gap analyses and prioritised action plans.
  • Market Maps – Based on proprietary industry analysis, Optimize designs bespoke Market Maps that visualise your business within its wider market. Your Market Map looks at your current business as well as adjacent product categories, geographies, business models, and customers/suppliers and helps to identify areas for growth and focus, areas to deprioritise, and new markets to enter.
  • Intuitive, flexible, online experience – Optimize adapts to your individual needs. Depending on your specific goals, Optimize is able to create a high-level, integrated view of how your business generates value, or produce a detailed gap analysis for a specific performance driver. And it is all delivered through a user-friendly, cloud-based platform facilitated by experienced advisors.
  • Shareholder and management perspectives – Optimize helps you ensure your leadership team is performing at its best. By assessing the goals, ambitions, risk appetite and mindsets of both shareholders and management, Optimize provides the foundation for transformative leadership alignment sessions and future success.


Mazars Optimize Brochure
