Want to know more about market entry under EDG Programme?

Forvis Mazars works with clients on market entry under Enterprise Singapore’s (ES) Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) Programme.

With a limited domestic economy in Singapore, it’s crucial for companies to go abroad for access to wider and more diversified consumer base and market. Overseas markets also provide access to resources and cost-competitive options for overheads. Moreover, with volatility the new norm in the global economy, putting your eggs in more than one basket, or market, diversifies your risk.

A solid internationalisation strategy provides a strong foundation for your company’s overseas expansion. Relying on in-depth market analysis, your company can identify market opportunities and target key customer segments, carving a competitive niche for your business. Your company’s strategy will also guide the development of your business model, to best suit the market of entry. This can be through franchising, licensing, distributors, joint ventures, Mergers & Acquisitions (“M&As”), or the setting up of wholly owned subsidiaries.

The EDG Programme is not about a “one size fits all” solution. Rather, through a committed partnership, we will work with you to realise your company’s ambitions for internationalisation and grow your company into a globally competitive one that benefits both Singapore and your company.

The EDG Programme provides up to 70% financial support of costs incurred in engaging professional services in the following areas:

  • Diagnosis and gap analysis of your company
  • Assessment of internal and external factors, such as strengths and weaknesses, and competition
  • Develop overall business strategy and market entry strategy
  • Formulation of growth strategies to capitalize on opportunities and enhance competitiveness
  • Market feasibility studies, for example a competitive scan or target search or assessment of market environment
  • Develop strategies to optimize your company’s financial performance in order to support corporate strategy and growth
  • Planning and assessment of potential mergers and/or acquisition
  • Development of M&A strategies that compliments and supports overall growth
  • Evaluation of target during company acquisition
  • Estimation of a company’s indicative value

To qualify for the EDG grant, your company must meet these criteria:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding
  • Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project

For more information, please visit the Enterprise Singapore Website. Alternatively, you may contact us at contact@mazars.com.sg.
