Cross Border Tax Strategies Workshop
Cross Border Tax Strategies Workshop
Programme Objective
As the push for globalization gather speed, Asia tax legislations continue to pose fresh challenges to multinational corporations. With ever changing tax laws and increased complexity, it is imperative for these companies to constantly refine their tax strategies. This one-day workshop is designed to provide the latest tax developments and strategies for Asia so that participants can respond effectively to them.
Programme Outline
1. Structuring Cross Border Investments
- Developing a regional/global tax structure to lower the group’s effective tax rate
- The use of holding companies in Asia
- Achieving tax arbitrage in funding cross border investments
- Withholding tax mitigation strategies
- Updates on key tax incentives in Asia
2. Tax Issues on Fund Repatriation
- Restrictions imposed on inflow and outflow of funds in regional countries
- Possible alternatives including interest, royalties, leasing charges, etc.
- Cost savings as a result of tax efficient holding and financing structures and taxation cost of repatriation
3. Managing Transfer Pricing in Asia
- Regional update of transfer pricing practices
- Issues and challenges of using Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) in Asia
- Structuring an appropriate transfer pricing policy in Asia
4. Interpretation & Application of Double Taxation Agreements (Mr Gene Kwee)
- Principles of double taxation and tax treaties
- Tax mechanisms for relief under DTAs
- Tax exemption on foreign sourced income
- Singapore tax treaty partners and the main features of Singapore DTAs
- Use of DTAs on withholding taxes
- Tax treaty planning possibilities
5. International Anti-Tax Avoidance Measures (Mr Gene Kwee)
- Common anti-tax avoidance provisions and judicial doctrines
- Treaty shopping
- Controlled foreign collaboration
- Thin capitalization
- Transfer pricing
- Branch profits tax
- Use of tax havens
Intended For: CFOs, Financial Controllers, Tax Professionals, Legal Professionals, Accountants, Finance Managers, Financial Analysts, Business Consultants
12 September 2014, Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)
60 Cecil Street, ISCA House
Singapore 049709
MRT: Raffles Place Station, Exit F
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