Forvis Mazars in Palestine

Forvis Mazars is a leading professional services firm providing audit, accounting, tax, consulting and
monitoring & evaluation services in Palestine. Forvis Mazars in Palestine is an approved service
provider to many of the international donor agencies operating in Palestine including USAID,
European Union, World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, Enabel, Sida, NORAD, SDC and others.

Originally founded under the name “El Wafa Company”, the firm fully integrated Forvis Mazars Group partnership as of 1 January 2019. Forvis Mazars in Palestine is considered to be one of the most qualified accounting and consultancy firms in the local market providing the following services to the local community:

  • Audit
  • Marketing Research
  • Accounting
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Internal Auditing
  • Consultancy Services
  • Tax Services & Planning
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Financial Assessments
  • Organizational Assessments

We operate within the Palestinian territories of West-Bank and Gaza. The size of
our office and the number of our professional staff are in continuous growth. We have a fully
equipped and well designed office in the City of Ramallah in addition to a fully equipped office in
Gaza. All our staff are equipped with laptop computers, and they get the necessary training in
house and on a regional basis.

Forvis Mazars in Palestine is specially built to work with international donor agencies of different sizes and requirements.