Governance and Risk Management (GRM)

Governance and Risk Management (GRM) practice of Forvis Mazars in Pakistan, interchangeably called GRIC, known as Governance, Risk and Internal Controls, can help you to mitigate and reduce business risks through the use of information system and technology.

We offer a number of solutions in our GRM domain. We take a unified approach across corporate governance, risk management, compliance, security, assurance, audit and internal controls of an enterprise information technology. We have qualified, certified and industry experienced resources to create policies, guidelines, standards, procedures and controls, as well as provide mapping between industry regulations and policies & procedures.

  • We have developed our own applications that augment our overall product offering, which include:
    • eClarIT for audit management
    • MoneyTree for banking
    • CFAS for finance
    • Insight for information management portal
  • We have deep industry experience, both financial and commercial, which acts as a bridge between management and technology knowledge.
  • We have skills and experience in both strategy and execution, to effectively turn theory into practice.
  • We cover all back-office processes, developed on Forvis Mazars’ specific toolset, assets and methodologies.
  • We offer our partners the opportunities for technology exchange and training to internally develop their capabilities, where our project management office provides support to our partners with dedicated product, implementation and support/training teams throughout the project life cycle.
  • We look to implement solutions in a benefit realization manner, which adds value to the business, beyond just handling an immediate risk or meeting an urgent requirement of compliance or security.
  • We promote Green IT through the use of energy-efficient computers, and designing algorithms and systems for efficiency-related computer technologies, to reduce the environmental impact of IT operations.

Our GRM experience stems from a number of high-profile and successful management and technology consulting projects across the breadth of the financial and commercial services industries.


Help develop policies, strategic plans, frameworks, methodologies and procedures to blend risk management, compliance, and performance monitoring into an effective enterprise information technology corporate governance program.

Risk Management

Establish that risk management practices are embedded in the enterprise information technology, enabling the enterprise to preserve the company assets, ensure the continuity of activities, and secure optimal risk-adjusted return through review and risk mapping.


Assist in streamlining compliance, with respect to information technology, which can be viewed as an added value to the business, where risk is mitigated, efficiency is enhanced, and external audit costs are reduced.


Work to find the right balance in information security attributes of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, by blending information security with technology, to keep the company secure from cyber attacks and maintain privacy by avoiding breach.


Ensure information assurance of enterprise to protect integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation of data by defence in depth, covering business continuity and disaster recovery, through interdisciplinary experts in the field of accounting, fraud examination, forensic science, management science, systems engineering, security engineering, and criminology, in addition to computer science.


Carry out comprehensive and detailed audit and reviews through an examination of the management controls within an information technology infrastructure, by gathering and evaluating evidences to check if the information systems are safeguarding assets, maintaining data integrity, and operating effectively to achieve the organization goals and objectives.

Internal Controls

Implement and provide guidance and tools for enterprises interested in monitoring internal controls, embedded in the critical business processes that drive enterprise success, by applying information technology.

We address the above through common approach that promotes consistency across the enterprise standards, among many some are COBIT, Risk IT, Val IT, GTAG, BMIS, ISO/IEC, BSI, ITIL, SOX, TOGAF, CMMI, COSO, PMBoK, PRINCE2, and Six Sigma.