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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024

Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024

Does the perceived reduction in risk amongst European banks hint at early signs of optimism for the sector? Throughout 2023, we observed a global economic slowdown, ongoing geopolitical tensions, and the rapid rise of new technologies. As we analyse the year-end results of the 26 largest banks in Europe, what do these figures reveal about expected credit losses and how these institutions manage persistent uncertainties in the banking landscape?

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Building global ambition

Our annual C-suite barometer gathers the views of leading executives from all over the world. With insights from around 800 executives across 30 countries, we uncover the strategic priorities on the C-suite’s agenda and the market trends and transformations expected to impact businesses in the years ahead. Our latest study reveals that 2024 is set to be a bounce forward year: a year of increasing investments to transform businesses and support growth ambitions.

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 Building global ambition
Tokenization could unlock Africa’s economy potential

Tokenization could unlock Africa’s economy potential

There are currently three main types of tokens:
Transactional tokens: They are used as an easy and fast way to transfer money. They often function like traditional currencies but, in some cases, can provide additional benefits. Usually, these tokens have cheap transaction fees that allow people to do a large number of transactions, making it more affordable than using traditional systems like banks, etc.
Security tokens: Security tokens are supposed to represent ownership of another asset, usually traditional ones, like stocks or real estate.
Utility tokens: They have a value tied to their ownership. They are not created for direct investment like security tokens. However, they can be used to pay for services within their specific ecosystems.

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Mazars lança oferta de consulting em Moçambique

O lançamento da nova linha de serviços da área de consulting em Moçambique encontra-se integrada numa estratégia da Mazars a nível global.

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Mazars lança oferta de consulting em Moçambique