Tax Services

Understanding of Kyrgyzstan’s tax regulations and solving pure tax issues takes time – time which can be used more productively developing your business.

Tax Practice of Mazars in Kyrgyzstan provides qualitative and tailor-made solutions that will suit your needs and budget. You will receive the personal attention of a senior expert with years of experience. Being on the edge of audit, accounting and law our experts know best practice applied by companies and prefer giving practical solutions and not just a theory that is far from reality.

We offer variety of tax services:      

Corporate taxes advisory: Profit Tax, VAT, Sales tax, Social Contributions

We are able to answer all your questions related to any Kyrgyz corporate tax. Our team combines global expertize with local knowledge in order to help you in understanding of taxation rules applicable to both purely local and cross-border transactions (international taxation). 

Tax reviews: identification of tax risks and tax potential

Tax review may be required

- as preparatory stage for the field tax audit by tax authorities, during such review we will identify tax risks in your business and recommend solutions for its elimination or mitigation, thus, you will minimize possible tax fines;

- in case when a company would like to decrease tax burden and optimize tax payments to the State Budget, for this purpose we will conduct audit of your activity and recommend how it is possible to decrease amount of tax expenses, thus you will understand tax potential in your company.

Personal Income Tax advisory

We can support you at all the stages of the personal income taxation process:

- Analysis of the personal tax situation

- Preparation and submission of a personal income tax return

- Assistance in payment procedure

- Obtainment of a Confirmation on absence of debt

Tax assistance in M&A transactions

M&A transactions are associated with risks and exposures that should be identified at early stage. Our tax professionals identify tax risks by carrying out pre-acquisition and pre-sale tax due diligences, elaborate required recommendations, elaborate tax efficient strategies and structures.


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