Tax Compliance

Efficient handling of a growing workload

Ensuring tax compliance is an increasingly heavy burden. Tax codes are getting more complex, and authorities are demanding increased reporting in their search for non-compliance. Yet precise compliance is vital, not only to prevent fines but also to avoid triggering audits and investigations.

Our approach 

Domestic businesses and multinational companies all face increasingly complex tax rules, greater scrutiny from the Israel Tax Authority (ITA), and a bigger obligation to ensure compliance with complex web of laws. Our tax team has the resources and local knowledge to handle the most obscure national compliance requirement efficiently.  

We can offer particular assistance to global companies who are expanding into Israel but which lack compliance and know-how outside their home market.

Our internal expertise in areas such as connection to the ITA tax portal is also put at clients’ disposal. 

Our services

We can offer help across all aspects of tax compliance, including:


  • Registering for income tax, withholding taxes and VAT in Israel
  • Completion of relevant forms and assistance with translation 


  • VAT / indirect tax compliance including monthly filings
  • Corporate tax including monthly and annual filings and submissions
  • Assistance with queries, audits and discussions with tax authorities
  • Dealing with VAT and withholding tax queries
  • Support with tax authorities audit
  • Strategic compliance advice


Get in touch

If you are thinking about a merger or acquisition and want to know how to make sure it is tax-efficient, please get in touch today at