Data and privacy

You are visiting the website of Forvis Mazars - Israel. For more information about the Forvis Mazars Group, please visit

Copyright Notice

All the content of this website are © Forvis Mazars Group and Israel.

General conditions of use

This service is for personal use only. It is strictly prohibited to circulate or reproduce all or part of the content for other purposes, in any form whatsoever. Failure to comply with this rule will be treated as infringement of copyright and civil or legal proceedings may be instigated against the person or entity responsible.
The information available on the website is not subject to contract and may be altered without warning. The services mentioned on the website may differ from the stated form or be unavailable outside the following country: Israel. The website should not under any circumstances be treated as an advisory or consulting service. 
Forvis Mazars cannot be held responsible for any problems caused by consulting or using the website. Hypertext links provide access to sites run by third parties, over which Forvis Mazars has no control. Forvis Mazars disclaims all responsibility for the content of these sites.

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Confidentiality and privacy

Client information uploaded via the Forvis Mazars - Israel website can only be accessed by company employees. 
For information on how we use your personal data, please follow the ‘Data and Privacy’ link further down this page. 


The editor in chief of this website is the managing partner of Forvis Mazars - Israel:
Steven Flax
Tel Aviv, Israel

Third party APIs