Dudi Santoso Partner, Audit & Assurance

Dudi Santoso

Dudi has over 25 years of auditing experience in public accounting firms including the Big 4 in Indonesia. He has extensive audit and special engagement experience serving clients from banking, manufacturing, trading, insurance, and securities industries. His expertise areas range from financial advisory services to technical assistance.

Dudi has been leading various audits and other projects in numerous banking and financial institutions in Indonesia. Moreover, he was involved in various engagements during the implementation of PSAK 50/55 and PSAK 71 in Indonesia.

Dudi is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI) and a Practicing Member of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI). Apart from being an audit practitioner, he also plays an active role in teaching at the University of Indonesia.

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Dudi Santoso Partner, Audit & Assurance

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