Multiple Sclerosis Society – MS Walk and Talk

As part of Mazars' CSR strategy, we want to support the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s work again by granting a contribution to “MS Walk and Talk”
Schleroseforeningen W&T logo 2016

The Multiple Sclerosis Society is supported by approx. 60,000 members and contributors. The Multiple Sclerosis Society covers the areas of research, education and patient support and is nationwide with 47 local branches throughout the country, including Faroe Islands.

The Multiple Sclerosis Society has about 1,000 volunteers, who are actively working for the approx. 14,500 people suffering from sclerosis in Denmark. The Society also organizes various events focusing on sclerosis.

Next event – MS Walk and Talk – takes place Saturday 27 August 2016 in Valbyparken. For more information please visit

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