Dan Church Aid - Something on the plate

We are helping to save lives and create hope for the world's poorest
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp_365 Partner 2015

In Denmark, we choose our national dish. In many disaster-stricken countries, it is just about getting something on the plate.

This is the case in South Sudan, where thousands of families have fled their homes and fields to find safety away from the bloody battles. It has left the fields in South Sudan empty without the crops that people should live by. In the months leading up to Christmas, the hunger disaster is threatening 1.5 million people.

With our donation we make a difference and effort to prevent and combat hunger in the world's poorest countries.

For more information please visit https://www.noedhjaelp.dk/nyheder/seneste-nyt/virksomheder-donerer-mere-end-500.000-kr.-til-folkekirkens-noedhjaelp
