March - SDG no. 4 “Quality education”

There are 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) on our shared 2030 agenda. The agenda has been adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, to guarantee prosperity for people and the planet, today and in the future. The core of this agenda is the 17 SDGs. This month we share what SDG number 4 means to us.

It is clear education must go hand-in-hand with other goals, such as to end poverty and ensure good health.

How we chose to shape our future generations is expressed in SDG number 4, highlighting the importance of promoting education in a sustainable way and integrating sustainable development into our mindset.

Progression is tied to education, empowering people to match their career to the aspirations both privately and on their workplace.

At the heart of SDG number 4 is the want to ensure that everyone has the same access to quality education and lifelong learning. Education, even basics such as reading and mathematics, is the key when it comes to escaping poverty and offering a way forward to sustainable development. Lack of (quality) education is a known problem in developing countries due to poverty and conflicts. At the same time there is a focus on having gender equality to ensure just as many girls attend school, as boys. This also encourages an increase in equality economically and in education at a later stage in life. We will have more on gender equality next month.

A dedication to increase the opportunities for quality education will also result in developing countries being able to compete with other educational institutions around the world.

Covid-19 has had a negative effect on SDG number 4. Many schools have closed for a period of time worldwide and students of all ages were sent home to receive online education, where it has been available. The consequences of the pandemic are not yet fully known but it may jeopardize hard won gains made in improving the global education situation. Although it may not all be negative, some youngsters have taken the time to learn other important roles around the home, which is just a different type of education. However, we do hope the situation will soon be normalized.

In Mazars, we invest in education of all employees. We help our people develop a true sense of purpose beyond their day-to-day through solidarity and sustainability initiatives, but also because as auditors and advisors we play a public interest role. We value independence, open-mindedness and looking to the future.

Our initiatives globally include, among others:

  • A strong commitment to education and training, reflected in our ambitions which are to: recruit high potential individuals, prepare our talents to meet the market’s evolving needs, and offer attractive career opportunities, including international experience.
  • 90% of all staff participated in training sessions in 2020.
  • Mazars University, offering a wide range of courses for the ongoing education, hub for high quality learning.
  • Coaching culture as part of day-to-day life.
  • Worldwide access to LinkedIn Learning.

“As the first employer of thousands of fresh graduates, we take management education seriously, as many of them will progress to executive roles across all types of industries.”

                                                          – Laurent Choain, Chief People, Education & Culture at Mazars Group

 Locally for Mazars in Denmark we have focused on:

  • Internal training days.
  • Requirement to complete 2 technical training days annually.
  • Support professional education at the university with flexible working conditions.
  • Yearly strategy kick-offs, including teambuilding.
  • Regularly meetings (weekly, monthly, quarterly) to share latest news in our field of work.
  • Monthly staff meetings to share professional knowledge and information, empowered by all staff in turn as resp. conductor and referee.
  • Strive to organize regular historical and cultural trips to acquire perspective and learning.
  • Implementing counsellor roles ensuring all employees are fulfilling their full potential.
  • Formal and practical training in how to teach others and how to have an attitude to what it means to be a good leader.

We will keep contributing to better education by helping with opportunities, encouragement, and commitment. For us, work and education are meant to be fun.

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