May - Thinking out of the box

Many people have had a challenging time in recent weeks. Covid-19 has affected us all in some way.

We can also see positive trends sprouting in business. This month we are focusing on smaller entrepreneurs who are struggling to maintain their livelihoods, at a time when they have to act under restrictions. It requires a quick transition and not least the ability to think creatively. For many it is a matter of survival, and has led them to "think out of the box". The future will then show if it will also be the start of something new and exciting.

Changes happen from day to day and companies need to act quickly. Many companies are trying out new ideas, sales methods and communication platforms, which have a great impact on the competition. Companies therefore need to be agile and creative. Entrepreneurs are a segment of the market that do not necessarily have time to wait for, or the same conditions to familiarize themselves with, the relief packages. Instead, they show an inner drive where they can survive the crisis, maybe even without financial help - it is admirable.

With this in mind, we would like to draw attention to Børsen's article series about self-employed business owners and entrepreneurs, where their positive way of thinking is inspirational and encourages optimism. Read more here:

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Our business partner Nikolaj Ranfelt, co-owner of FYSIO360, has done just this, with his inner drive and managed to think creatively. He is an entrepreneur and an independent physiotherapist. With the announcement of the government's closure of Denmark, his business was immediately impacted. He had to quickly reschedule his activity. Focusing on the core business, working as a physiotherapist which basically requires physical contact, Nikolaj decided to find a new way, think creatively, and do online consultations. Although this resulted in fewer treatments in the clinic, he learned that focus on the core business is essential. The transition has also taught Nikolaj new things, such as how to arrange virtual consultations, meetings and presentations, and by this perhaps also reach other new clients.

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For more information about Nikolaj Ranfelt please visit FYSIO360’s website here.

A crisis can be considered a turning point and a turning point is usually positive. Part of being sustainable is to be able to "adapt" or, in other words, to be agile. When the crisis is over, we must not forget how our everyday life through the Covid-19 crisis has also left a positive outcome on the environment, social and management factors (ESG). This includes the way we communicate, spend time together, travel activity, contemplation, creative initiatives, amongst others.

With joint effort, support of "thinking out of the box" initiatives, and effective use of the government’s relief packages, etc., we can achieve a lot! Thank you to all entrepreneurs who have shown unwavering courage during a difficult time.

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