Introducing a 4-day working week!

Forvis Mazars in Denmark is pleased to announce that we are moving to a 4-day working week from today and throughout the year. This decision has been made in order to improve the well-being of our employees and create a more balanced working week.

Why a 4-day working week?

  • Increased productivity: Studies show that a shorter working week can lead to higher productivity. Employees who have more time to rest and recharge are often more focused and efficient when at work.
  • Improved work-life balance: An extra day off allows our employees to spend more time with their families, pursue personal interests and engage in leisure activities. This can lead to increased satisfaction and less stress.
  • Sustainability: By reducing the number of working days, we can also reduce our environmental footprint. Fewer days in the office means less energy consumption and fewer transport emissions.

Our approach

A 4-day working week doesn't mean we now have to work longer days from Monday to Thursday or take a pay cut. Our team has carefully planned the transition to a shorter working week to ensure that with fewer working hours we can still successfully meet all deadlines and deliver the high quality of service our customers expect.

The future

Forvis Mazars in Denmark is looking forward to seeing the positive effects of our new work structure. We believe that a happy and well-balanced workforce is the key to success and we are excited to take this step towards a more sustainable and productive future.

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