Legal information

You are visiting the website of Mazars - Denmark. For more information about the Mazars Group, please visit

Website publisher

This website is published by:
Mazars Group and Mazars Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Midtermolen 1, 2nd floor to the left
DK-2100 Copenhagen
CVR-no. 31 06 17 41
Tel.: +45 35 26 52 22

The managing partner of publication of the website in Denmark is Pia Lillebaek.

Mazars also acts as a regulated statutory auditor under the provisions of Book VIII, Title II of the French Commercial Code. Mazars is included in the list of statutory auditors

Website host

This website is hosted by NTT Europe Ltd, a company with share capital of GBP 153,832,300, registered in the United Kingdom under number 2307625, registered office 1 King William Street, London EC4N 7AR. 

Tel: +44 20 7977 1000 