Workshop: Sustainability and ESG - a business competitive advantage
Join our workshop “Sustainability and ESG: a business competitive advantage” and get valuable insights on how to do it!
Place and time
Tuesday February 28th, 2023 - onsite
Mazars Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Midtermolen 1, 2nd floor
DK - 2100 Copenhagen
08.30 - 12.00
Thursday March 2nd, 2023 - online
08.30 - 12.00
8.30 - Light breakfast and introduction (Pia Lillebaek, Managing partner)
9.00 - 9.00 – Workshop (Iliane González Martín, Senior sustainability consultant). Agenda:
- Ice-breaking activity.
- Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG: concept clarifications.
- The business case for sustainability and ESG:
- Sustainable Development Goals.
- Global risks.
- Why should business change? Threats for companies and obstacles to overcome.
- The change drivers.
- Opportunities: a market in expansion.
- Why sustainability and ESG should be high on businesses´ and leadership teams´ agenda: benefits of embracing sustainability and ESG.
- The sustainability regulatory landscape (with focus on the CSRD).
- A sustainable board and leadership team: key success factors.
- Steps to build a strong sustainability strategy: what we do at Mazars.
11.45 - Wrap-up and conclusions.
Please note; presentations will be in English.
Certificate of completion is provided.
Price: 1.600 DKK (excl. VAT) per participant. Invoice will be sent separately!
We hope to see you there - join below!
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