Årsrapport 2018-2019: Striking the balance

Når vi kigger mod 2020, ser vi en lys fremtid med mange spændende muligheder, men vi ved også, at vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere agerer i en hverdag fyldt med tests på alle områder. Det giver derfor mere end nogensinde mening at kunne finde og opretholde den rette balance. Med udgivelsen af Mazars’ 2019 Yearbook benytter vi lejligheden til at bekræfte vores forpligtelse til at følge vores kunders udvikling, hjælpe dem med at navigere i komplekse miljøer, hvor de opererer, og hjælpe dem med at vækste på en bæredygtig måde.

”Striking the balance” betyder at udvide vores globale ”fodaftryk” og samtidig bevare vores lokale tilstedeværelse. Vi tilbyder den rette blanding af ekspertise for kunder i alle størrelser, sektorer og geografiske placering samtidig med, at vi er tro mod vores værdier og kultur. Ved at skabe det rette miljø, fremmer vi innovation og giver vores medarbejdere mulighed for at vokse, forblive fokuserede og følge vores kunders transformation. Dette samtidig med at vi sørger for at forme vores industri til gavn for i dag og i morgen.

Nedenstående indhold forefindes kun på engelsk.

AR mockup 2020

Our Annual Report comprises two distinct documents: our 2019 Yearbook and our 2018-2019 Financial Statements. Regarding the latter, we have been publishing our consolidated accounts since 2005, jointly audited and under IFRS, because we seek to apply to ourselves the same discipline that is expected from our clients.


Introducing our first Sustainability report

This year, we are also pleased to introduce our first global Sustainability report. With this publication, we take our commitment to acting as a positive global citizen one step further. 

An exceptional year for Mazars

The past year has been exceptional for Mazars. We are present in 91 countries and territories, where our 24,400 talented people - backed up by an additional 16,000 via the Mazars North America Alliance - are delivering bespoke services.

We have grown consistently over recent years and in 2018/2019 our global fee income was up 10.4%, bringing our global revenue to €1.8bn.

This year we celebrated a huge step for Mazars, and for the industry as a whole: the Mazars North America Alliance – an alliance agreement between Mazars and five leading North American audit and advisory firms – provides the market with choice and complements our integrated partnership model. By significantly strengthening our capability across North America, the Alliance allows us to better serve our international clients in the region.

We hope you enjoy reading our 2019 Yearbook, which has been divided into four key chapters.

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The right scale

By combining the scale of our international, multicultural partnership with our deeply-rooted local teams, our clients and people get the best of both worlds: a balanced perspective that is delivered in a personal way.


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Just what you need

We operate as one team, taking a collaborative, integrated approach that allows us to deliver consistent and personalised services to our clients – large and small – across all sectors and geographies.


Cultivating experts and entrepreneurs

Cultivating experts and entrepreneurs

We invest in our people, in our firm’s transformation and in the growth of our clients. We celebrate the individuality and diversity of our international team, encouraging an entrepreneurial and pioneering mindset.


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Balancing today and tomorrow

A responsible firm must create shared value. We are committed to shaping positive change in the market and contributing to the economic foundations of a fair, prosperous world.


Please download below:

  • Our 2019 Yearbook “Striking the Balance”
  • Our 2018-2019 Financial Statements, jointly audited and under IFRS
  • Our 2019 Sustainability Report “Mazars For Good”


Yearbook 2019 English
Financial statements 2018-2019
Sustainability Report 2019
