Indirect Taxes: value added tax
However, in the bustle of everyday business companies often miss to realize that they have foreign VAT obligations to fulfil. In most cases, penalties for the management and significant financial consequences will not be long in coming.
In addition this perception overlooks the possibility that invoices between Austrian companies may have to include foreign VAT. The (then uncorrectly) invoiced Austrian VAT becomes non-deductible input tax for the contractual partners in Austria. Penalties for the involved foreign companies and unpleasant discussions with the contractual partners, who are unable to claim VAT refund in Austria, are the consequence.
With all this in mind, it becomes obvious that, while corporate tax rates are decreasing continuously, indirect taxes gain in importance getting also more and more in the focus of the tax authorities, not only in Austria but worldwide. In your daily business it is therefore essential for you as a company to know
- whether to invoice VAT?
- if yes, domestic or foreign VAT?
- which tax rate applies?
- whether any exemptions apply?
- which VAT related obligations arise for your company and where?
We are here to help: fast, competent and practice-oriented. The Global Indirect Tax Group of Mazars comprises a worldwide network of experts advising companies in the area of Indirect Tax, i.e. VAT and Customs Duties, Foreign Trade Legislation and Excise Duties. Due to our presence in almost all European countries and worldwide in all major global economic centres, we will solve your VAT problems and help you in meeting your VAT obligations – no matter where.
The Global Indirect Tax Group's consulting services focus on value added tax and include, in addition to individual consulting, the following services amongst others
- VAT reviews and due diligences
- Supply Chain / Business Model Optimization (BMO)
- Creation of VAT manuals
- Support for statutory auditors or special VAT audits
- Indirect Tax advice in connection with IT-set up
- Risk management concepts for companies
- VAT advice the M&A process
- Training sessions for staff in Austria and abroad
- Outsourcing of VAT law compliance activities