Self-check for energy cost flat rate

The flat-rate energy allowance is intended to help small and micro-entrepreneurs cope with high energy costs. Entrepreneurs can check whether they meet the eligibility requirements in a self-check.


Eligible companies are:

  • existing companies,
  • with a permanent establishment in Austria,
  • whose annual turnover for the calendar year 2022 amounts to at least € 10,000 and at most € 400,000,
  • which are commercially or industrially active in their own name and for their own account,
  • licensed public transport companies and non-profit legal entities with their entrepreneurial activities.

Excluded are:

  • public enterprises,
  • local authorities,
  • companies in the energy, finance, insurance, real estate and agricultural sectors,
  • liberal professions and political parties and their companies.

The amount depends on the sector, the annual turnover in the calendar year 2022 and the funding period chosen for 2022.

The subsidy amounts to:

  • for the period Feb. 1 - Dec. 31, 2022, a minimum of € 410 and a maximum of € 2,475
  • for the period 1. 2. - 30.9.2022 at least € 300 and maximum € 1.800
  • for the period 1.10.- 31.12.2022 at least € 110 and maximum € 675

For the subsidy period in which a company does not meet the requirements for the energy cost subsidy, the energy cost flat rate can be applied for. The energy cost subsidy for companies is primarily aimed at energy-intensive companies. The corresponding subsidy guidelines for 2022 set a lower limit for the energy cost subsidy of €2,750 in total per company.
In contrast, the flat-rate energy subsidy for companies is aimed at supporting primarily micro and small enterprises that do not reach the subsidy lower limit of € 2,750.
It is now possible to carry out a self-check. Here you can check whether you already meet the requirements for a submission to the energy cost flat rate. The self-check comprises a maximum of 6 questions and can be accessed here.
The entrepreneur must apply for the subsidy himself. Tax advisors cannot submit the application on behalf of clients.