Informe Anual

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Set for growth: 2022/2023 annual report

In recent years, businesses, individuals and governments have encountered a succession of demanding circumstances, prompting the need for resilience, heightened adaptability, and strategic planning amid ongoing uncertainty. In face of this, Forvis Mazars is set to look to the future with a clear and forward-thinking vision to support our clients, people and communities in seizing opportunities for success and grow responsibly.

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Acting now for what’s next: 2021/2022 annual report

As the world continues to navigate change, societal expectations are shifting, and organisations must keep up with the growing call to transform their operations to be more sustainable, comply with increasing regulations and meet new quality standards. At Forvis Mazars, we are prepared to not only rise to the challenge and invest where it counts for our firm and people, but also to support our clients within this evolving landscape to make the decisions that will set them up for success.

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Growing with purpose: 2020/2021 annual report

As the world begins to emerge from the pandemic, the call for a more sustainable future has never been stronger. Businesses are facing increased pressure to grow more responsibly and sustainably, and Forvis Mazars remains more committed than ever to answering this call.

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A year like no other: Mazars publishes 2019/20 annual report

For people, businesses and society, 2020 was a year like no other. With the global Covid-19 crisis many have faced extreme challenges; people and families across the world have lost loved ones too early and suffered previously unthinkable restrictions to their lives and livelihoods as governments, companies and other institutions battled to contain the virus. The unique challenge for business has been how to respect the necessity to preserve life while fulfilling its duty to meet society’s needs in a financially sustainable way.

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Striking the balance: Mazars publishes its 2018-2019 Annual Report

Looking to 2020, we see a bright future and many exciting prospects, but we know our stakeholders operate in testing times. That is why finding and maintaining the right balance resonates more than ever. With our 2019 Yearbook, we take the opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to accompanying our clients’ development, helping them navigate the complex environments in which they operate and grow in a sustainable way.

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Creando Soluciones de Valor: Informe Anual 2017-2018

Con nuestro Informe Anual 2017-2018, echamos la mirada atrás y reflexionamos sobre nuestro desarrollo y crecimiento internacional.

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Transformación: Mazars publica su Reporte Anual 2016-2017

En Mazars, más que nunca, creemos que las empresas solo pueden prosperar creando valor compartido para todos sus grupos de interés. Publicar nuestro Anuario 2017 es una forma de realizar un balance de lo que logramos el año pasado.
Nuestro Reporte Anual 2016-2017, tiene como objetivo proporcionar una imagen clara y global de quiénes somos y cómo preparamos el futuro. Desde la innovación abierta hasta la gestión, desde el futuro de la profesión de la auditoría hasta la perspectiva de nuestros equipos, hemos elegido analizar la noción de transformación.

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The modern firm: discerning, knowledge-intensive, agile, sustainable

Mazars’ 2016 Yearbook, part of the Group’s 2015-2016 Annual Report, is a journey through topics that are of paramount importance to us: leadership and entrepreneurship. Each article can be read alone, but all are closely tied to the concept of a Modern Firm. In order to illustrate this concept, we have chosen to explore four attributes, which define a modern firm: discerning, knowledge-intensive, agile and sustainable. Join our staff, our partners, our clients and all our other guests in this journey, from Rotterdam to Shanghai via Milan and Casablanca.

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