Data privacy

Turn risk into opportunity with our data privacy and data protection services

The world of data privacy is constantly evolving and remains a highly regulated industry. With the expectations of multiple stakeholders to manage, organisations must continuously demonstrate how they are using the data they hold and how they are actively protecting it from misuse and potential data breach.

The reputational damage and financial penalties relating to a data breach are significant. However, data privacy and protection technology and systems can be embraced rather than feared. Compliance with regulations surrounding data protection should always be prioritised, but this shouldn’t be to the detriment of using data to unlock  opportunities and create value

The data held within your organisation presents both risk and opportunity. With the right framework, you can safely navigate the complexities of data privacy regulation and successfully leverage data as an asset to fuel business growth.

Our approach

At Forvis Mazars, our data privacy experts will help you optimise this valuable asset safely throughout the full data lifecycle with the latest data protection services and solutions. Our experienced teams will help your organisation to take a holistic approach to managing data across its full lifecycle.

From acquisition to disposal, we’ll ensure the risks and opportunities are balanced. We’ll help you to reframe the value of your data and identify where and how it can create additional revenue streams and competitive advantage in your key markets.

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