Preferential Salary Increase and Tax Reduction for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: MOEA Pushes for Implementation Next Year

In early March, the Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed amendments to the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development Act, which are expected to be implemented for ten years.

The amendments focus on three primary areas: removing the "economic activation threshold," increasing the salary tax deduction from 130% to 150% and extending employment tax preferential treatment to employees over the age of 45, which was previously available only to young employees under the age of 24.

Several tax incentives outlined in Articles 35 (investment deduction for R&D expenses), 35-1 (deferred taxation for intellectual property valuation), and 36-2 (salary deduction for hiring employees and wage deduction for hiring young employees, as well as wage increase deduction) of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development Act are set to expire on May 19 of this year. Therefore, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has proposed amendments to the act.

Previously, certain economic conditions, such as the "economic activation index reaching a certain level" (unemployment rate exceeding 3.78% for six consecutive months) must be met to be eligible for tax incentives under Article 36-2. However, the proposed amendments remove the threshold requirement and enhance tax deduction incentives. The aim is to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to hire more employees and increase wages. The proposed amendments are now in a thirty-day public notice period, during which feedback from various stakeholders will be collected. After the notice period ends, the amendments will be submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval before being sent to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation. The goal is to pass the amendments during the current legislative session and implement them next year.



