Quek Siew Eng joins Mazars as Director of Quality and Compliance
“With public interest clients as one of our key stakeholders for the audit services, quality is core to the value system of Mazars. It is an honour to introduce Siew Eng as a new member of our growing team. We are confident that the audit team will benefit greatly from the experience and leadership that Siew Eng brings. Quality has always been our commitment to our clients.” Rick Chan, Head of Audit and Assurance, Mazars Singapore.
Prior to joining Mazars, Siew Eng has more than 20 years of professional experience, including more than 7 years in Accounting and Regulatory Authority (ACRA) where she was the Chief Inspector and Director of the Practice Monitoring Department. Besides overseeing the practice reviews of audits carried out by public accountants in Singapore, she was involved in ACRA’s regulatory efforts to improve audit quality, monitoring trends and events in both the local and international marketplace, as well as policy-making.
Siew Eng, who joined Mazars on 13 November 2017 said, “I am thrilled to join Mazars to be able to bring over my years of knowledge and expertise. I am looking forward to meeting new faces and clients, which I’ve missed since I left my previous accounting firm years ago. I am also excited to be part of the dynamic family of Mazars as I believe this is an excellent company with great work-life balance, especially for working mothers like me.”
With a new role in Mazars, Siew Eng will be overseeing the quality and control of the Audit team’s financial reporting process, audit procedures, internal control systems and compliance with laws and regulations. She says, “Change is the only constant in today’s world. Whilst it is my role in Quality Control and Compliance to ensure quality in our work, it is with an open mindset on how we can continue to do things better (more effectively and efficiently) without compromising on quality, that I hope I can strive to always do so.”
About Mazars:
Mazars is an international, integrated and independent organisation, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services. As of 1st January 2018, Mazars operates throughout the 86 countries and territories that make up its integrated partnership. Mazars draws upon the expertise of 20,000 women and men led by 980 partners working from 300 offices worldwide. We assist clients of all sizes, from SMEs to mid-caps and global players as well as start-ups and public organisations, at every stage of their development.
In Singapore, Mazars specialises in Audit and Assurance, Tax, Business Risk Consulting, Accounting Outsourcing, Payroll Outsourcing, Company Secretarial, Financial Advisory Services, Internationalisation, Valuation and Initial Public Offering. Our clients benefit from the combined expertise of 195 Singapore-based professionals and our international team.
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