Mazars assists MBV International Limited in the listing on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
This was the second successful IPO project for Mazars Singapore in year 2020.
Headquartered in Johor Bahru in the Southern region of Malaysia, MBV is principally engaged in sourcing, wholesaling, supplying and marketing imprintable apparel and gift products all across Malaysia and in Singapore. Since MBV’s inception in 1995, they have over 20 years of market presence and accumulated a large and diverse customer base of approximately 18,100 customers in Malaysia and Singapore
MBV International Limited’s IPO was led by the following Mazars team, who worked closely together with client to made this significant milestone:
Singapore office
- Lai Keng Wei – Partner, Audit Partner and Head of Valuation
- Wong Zi En – Senior Manager in Audit
Hong Kong office
- Paul She – Partner, Audit and Assurance
- Basy Li – Manager, Audit and Assurance