How an engineering student blends data analytics with business insights at Mazars

Meet Tay Wei Ting, 21, a double major in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Data Analytics from the National University of Singapore. Breaking away from the conventional path, Wei Ting embarked on an internship journey in Risk Consulting at Mazars in Singapore. Before stepping into her penultimate year, she yearned to explore a new field and make real business impact.
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(Images: Pictures of Tay Wei Ting in various locations at the Mazars in Singapore office)

1. What motivated you to explore a career outside your field of study and venture into risk consulting?

I was intrigued by the business perspective that risk consulting offers. Understanding risk from a business standpoint can lead to better decision-making and add substantial value to organisations.

Risk consulting appeals to me as it complements my technical expertise with a broader understanding of business dynamics. The rising market demand for risk consulting services and attractive career opportunities further piqued my interest in exploring this field.

The flexibility to work with various clients and industries also aligns with my goal of exploring diverse career options.

2. How was your transition from engineering and data analytics to risk consulting?

One of the primary challenges I encountered during my transition into risk consulting was gaining industry knowledge. Initially, I wasn't familiar with many accounting and finance terms that were frequently used at work.

To bridge the knowledge gap, I read up more case studies and sought guidance from experienced colleagues and mentors. Networking and mentorship played a crucial role in helping me overcome these challenges. My team was incredibly supportive! Their valuable insights and practical tips empowered me to make informed decisions and grow in my new role as a risk consultant.

I also developed effective communication skills. As an engineer, I was accustomed to technical discussions with peers but now, I must convey information to a diverse audience, including non-technical stakeholders. To effectively communicate with stakeholders lacking technical expertise or understanding of complex data concepts and jargon, I mastered the art of breaking down these concepts through analogies, examples, and clear visual representations of data and analysis.

3. What transferable skills or knowledge from your degree have you found beneficial during your internship?

Problem-solving has been a fundamental skill that allowed me to approach complex challenges with a structured and logical mindset. Whether identifying potential risks in a project or devising mitigation strategies, my engineering background has taught me to break down problems into manageable components and find effective solutions.

Being in the technology and digital side of risk consulting, I found my technical skills in programming and data analysis to be incredibly valuable to apply to real business cases and projects. My familiarity with programs such as Excel and VBA enabled me to automate repetitive tasks and process large datasets efficiently, significantly enhancing productivity and allowing me to focus more on the analytical aspects of the projects.

4. Can you describe any projects that you enjoyed the most during your internship?

One project that stood out during this internship was a process improvement initiative. The project involved implementing Excel analysis and Power Query for data consolidation. Through the solutions we proposed, we were able to streamline data processing and automate manual tasks, resulting in a significant increase in efficiency for our client. The automation also reduced the likelihood of errors, ensuring the results’ accuracy and reliability.

What made this project particularly rewarding was witnessing the direct impact on our clients' operations. They appreciated the improvements and the time saved, allowing them to focus on more strategic aspects of their business.

Overall, working on this project allowed me to apply my technical skills to real-world challenges. It was fulfilling to see the positive outcomes and the value we added to our clients' workflows, and it further motivated me to continue exploring data-driven solutions to optimise processes in the future.

5. Have you had the chance to work closely with any mentors or senior professionals?

I have been fortunate to work closely with my director and senior manager, who provided me with opportunities to assist on real client cases and delivered constructive feedback.

Their industry expertise and insights have been invaluable in helping me navigate through various projects. I am also grateful for their encouragement and belief in my abilities, which have boosted my confidence and motivated me to take on new challenges with enthusiasm.

The team of consultants has been incredibly approachable and generous in sharing their knowledge. Our collaborative discussions were helpful, as they readily offered practical tips and assistance whenever I faced difficulties.

6. How has the experience of working in risk consulting broadened your understanding of the industry?

Through my work in risk consulting, I have had the opportunity to engage with clients from diverse sectors, ranging from services to technology and manufacturing. Each engagement presented its own set of challenges and risk profiles, which allowed me to gain valuable insights into unique characteristics of these industries.

7. Has being part of the Mazars risk consulting team influenced your career aspirations or professional goals?

I now have more clarity about my career aspirations, thanks to both the risk consulting team and my overall experience at Mazars. I had a valuable opportunity to engage with people and partners from different business units, gaining deeper insights into the diverse job scopes within the organisation.

The experience at Mazars has fuelled my drive to continually expand my knowledge and refine my skills, both in risk consulting and my general studies. I am enthusiastic about the possibilities this field offers, and I eagerly look forward to building a rewarding and impactful career.

8. What advice would you give to other students considering a career shift or internship in a different field?

Be brave and go for it! Entering a different field may seem daunting at first but be open to learning and expanding your knowledge. Embrace the challenges with confidence and take time to reflect on your experiences during the process.

9. Describe Mazars in 3 words.

Supportive, Collaborative, Fun!

Write y(our) story with Mazars

For internships opportunities at Mazars in Singapore, please refer to this link.