Daughters Of Tomorrow (DOT)

In honour of International Women’s Day 2020, Mazars in Singapore partnered with Daughters Of Tomorrow (DOT), a registered charity organisation in Singapore whose mission is to facilitate livelihood opportunities for underprivileged women.

This unique partnership reaffirms our commitment towards being #MazarsForGood – a responsible firm which creates shared values for all. 

Narissa Chen, Partner at Mazars in Singapore, said: “Life can move pretty fast. We may forget to pause and look around for great opportunities to form connections with individuals outside of our daily lives. Such connections allow us to share our experiences, learn from one another and appreciate another perspective. Our partnership with Daughters Of Tomorrow is one such great opportunity for women to know how intelligent and resilient we can be and to believe we can make a difference to the world around us.”

A key step to creating a better world and healthier communities is to help families regain financial independence and achieve social mobility. Currently, more than 25,000 women from low-income families in Singapore struggle to find employment and sustain a living.*

To uphold this long-term mission, Mazars in Singapore will be supporting Daughters Of Tomorrow’s cause through the following areas:

  • Corporate donation – Fundraising is often one of the most difficult aspects of running a charity. Our donation will be channelled towards skill workshops, purchasing devices and software licences, and subsidising outreach costs.
  • Educational supplies – Having the right tools for learning is critical. Mazars in Singapore will provide computers, notebooks, pens, and other miscellaneous supplies to these women during workshops and trainings.
  • Hands-on training – The ability to understand and effectively apply financial management skills can transform lives. Besides mentoring the beneficiaries in financial literacy, our volunteers will also offer their technical expertise and provide training for Microsoft Office® applications such as Word and Excel. Such knowledge will enable the women in accessing long-term employment.
  • Venue – Ease of access is important when it comes to attendance. Located in the heart of the Central Business District, Mazars Singapore will be hosting workshops and trainings at its office for DOT’s beneficiaries. Having a comfortable and conducive environment to learn is essential for their development.

In addition to these efforts, our staff will volunteer as childminders, and undergo DOT’s specialised curriculum to become workplace mentors and financial literacy trainers.


By 2021, Mazars in Singapore aims to help DOT place a total of 500 women in employment. Together, we can empower these women and enable their families towards equality.

*Based on MSF ComCare.
