Earth Day 2023

We are striving to reduce our environmental impact and build a more sustainable future.

As our world faces an existential crisis due to rising global temperatures, every individual and entity has a role to play. ​At Mazars, we will continue to take robust actions to reduce our carbon footprint in line with the global and Singapore goal of a net-zero future.

In conjunction with Earth Day, here is a recap of our 2023 initiatives thus far to preserve the environment:

Sustainable merchandise: plantable pencils

As part of our commitment to be a firm with purpose, we strive to create corporate merchandise that are in line with our promise.
The Sprout plantable pencil is our latest 100% sustainable merchandise, designed to be a pencil that can germinate and grow into plants.

Once they have been used and sharpened, our staff and clients can plant the pencils to give them a new life as flowers, herbs and even trees. The pencils promote a simple idea – that if a plant can blossom from the stub of a pencil, imagine what else is possible when we think with a more sustainable mindset. 

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(Photo shows the plantable pencils merchandise by Mazars in Singapore)

Upcycling of old electronic devices

Singapore generates 60,000 tonnes of e-waste annually. In light of this alarming statistics, we worked with Engineering Good to give a new lease of life to old electronic equipment, such as laptops, monitors and laptop accessories, as part of our drive to reduce e-waste.

Engineering Good is a Singapore-based non-profit that supports inclusivity for vulnerable communities, such as persons with disabilities and low-income families, through sustainable engineering and technology.

The items will be refurbished and thereafter donated to underprivilege community in support of digital inclusion initiatives.

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(Photo shows a portion of the electronic equipments donated by Mazars in Singapore)

Monitoring our carbon footprint

As a professional service provider, we do not conduct activities or manage industrial processes that have a major negative impact on the environment. We are currently working with the Group to understand our global environmental footprint, so we can develop the necessary actions to reduce it. This include identifying our major sources of emissions under scopes 1, 2 and 3 and increasing the adoption of a supplier code of conduct.

We have initiated actions to raise awareness and induce behaviour change when it comes to traveling, using plastic, being mindful of the resources we use, and participating in recycling and upcycling.

Firmwide learning: sustainability foundation course

Mazars has developed a six-module Sustainability Foundation Course to help our employees become effective agents of change.

The modules cover the importance of sustainability, helps our employees understand their own environmental footprint and demonstrates the simple things they can do to reduce their footprint. They also look at how government, public agencies and private sector address the sustainability challenge.

For more information, please read our Sustainability Report 2022.

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