Businesses can no longer afford to ignore Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations

For clients considering or only just commencing their Sustainability journey, our ESG health check is an effective tool to help you shape a robust action plan which can be embedded in your wider business strategy.

What is the ESG Health Check?

Our ESG Health Check  is designed to assess your business’s sustainability status and to provide you with a gap analysis vs. minimum regulatory requirements and societal expectations.  

We compile the results of your online questionnaire and provide your leadership team with high-level insights and benchmarked data to inform a tailored action plan to address your gaps.

We’ll also reference the United Nations SDGs and guide you through which goals may be best addressed by your business.

How can it help your business?

Investors, suppliers, customers and staff are increasingly aware of the ESG risks and opportunities and  demanding more transparency from those they work with. Embedding ESG considerations into your business strategy is a key part of future proofing your business.

Mazars ESG Health Check is a fast and effective way of bringing common understanding across your leadership team of the sustainability risks and opportunities relevant to your business. We deliver the results to you in person, answer questions and will facilitate the roundtable leadership discussions necessary to start your Sustainability journey.

How do I get started?

Contact us to learn more about Mazars Sustainability services


Our sustainability service offering
