Story Behind: Mazars in Hong Kong and Singapore Guide Nexion Technologies Limited through a Successful IPO

On 16 June 2017, Nexion’s public shares were listed on the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX) under the stock code 8420. Nexion is a Singapore-based company that focuses on providing cyber-infrastructure and cyber-security solutions to clients throughout Southeast Asia.

About the joint project

Leading up to the IPO, Mazars Hong Kong and Mazars Singapore worked together as a team of Joint Auditors and Joint Reporting Accountants to bring this information and communications technology solution provider public. The team was led by partners Paul She (Hong Kong) and Rick Chan (Singapore), who worked closely together to facilitate the cross-border transaction.

Reasons for the success

Through their efforts to ensure efficient communication between the two offices, Paul and Rick were able to unify their staff members to focus on the Nexion’s best interests. To ensure efficiency, tasks were delegated according to proximity to the involved external parties. While the Singapore office focused on a majority of the field work and communication with the Singapore-based client, the Hong Kong office was responsible for liaising with the professionals involved in new listings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Past collaboration had instilled a sense of trust between the two groups, allowing them to coordinate even more effectively throughout Nexion’s listing process.

Mazars’ unique business model

Mazars’ integrated partnership model makes it uniquely equipped to serve clients seeking to expand their businesses across borders. As the number of global clients continues to increase, providing services through a global mindset has become a priority that will likely give rise to more opportunities for future collaboration.

Nexion Project Team Photo

The Unified Team of Mazars Hong Kong and Mazars Singapore for the Nexion IPO Project.
