Your Challenges

“We, Japan Desk, are committed to reducing the various Japan Risks that are expected to become apparent in Japan in the near future, and ensuring the permanence of significant and excellent Japanese companies." Shota OYA (Partner)
“我々Japan Deskは、今後日本にて顕在化してくるであろう様々なJapan Riskを低減させ、有意な日系企業の永続性を確保することに、全力で注力する所存です。” 大矢 昇太 (パートナー)

At present, Japan is in a booming state ahead of the Tokyo Olympics, however, at the same time faces major changes in the business environment, such as the tightening of the international political situation, the declining labor force and the weakening of the financial situation due to the low birthrate and biased aging population. The movement to promote business development in ASEAN regions with growth potential is also accelerating, especially in Singapore and Thailand, where there are many Japanese companies and the useful headquarters system has been established. It is no exaggeration to say that it functions as a hub. On the other hand, the number of Japanese companies seeking growth opportunities in Vietnam, Myanmar, etc., it is also increasing rapidly. We feel great joy and mission to support such Japanese companies developing in ASEAN business.

わが国は、東京オリンピックを控え好況下にあると同時に、国際政治状況の緊迫化、少子高齢化に伴う労働人口の減少や財政状況の脆弱化等、経営環境の大きな変化に直面している現状にあるといえます。成長余力のあるASEAN地域等における事業展開を推進する動きも加速しており、特にシンガポール・タイは、そもそも進出日系企業も多く統括会社制度も整備されていることから、日系企業のためのASEAN のハブとして機能しているといっても過言ではありません。一方で、ベトナムやミャンマー等に成長の活路を求める日系企業も急増しています。我々は、そのようなASEANビジネスを展開する日系企業のサポートをすることに大きな喜びと使命を感じています。

Only the international firm who has real integrated global partnership can provide excellent and valuable one-stop services, such as cross-border M&A, efficient and integrated audits in all jurisdictions lead by Japanese CPA, and the construction of international tax schemes prepared by tax expats in each country. 

We are convinced, that is us, Mazars Japan Desk.


Shota Oya