Our Approach

Forvis Mazars’ audit approach is based upon the fundamental belief that only through understanding the business and the economic environment in which it operates, can we design an audit relevant to your need, and which will enable us to issue an opinion on the truth and fairness of a company’s financial statements.
Our approach


We spend considerable time identifying the risks associated with the business activities and how these risks are managed. Our approach is then designed to focus on the higher risk areas and those of more subjective nature, assessing the consistency of the business activities with the financial outcomes.



The above implies a constant dialogue with the business, its management and its board. It is the quality of this dialogue which provides the depth and richness of our contribution. Through this process we endeavour to provide a bespoke service that not only adds value to our clients and their stakeholders but also contributes its future proofing.



Our teams bring together skills and are equipped with the necessary tools to meet the specific needs of each engagement. Our audits are delivered at exceptionally high standards which go beyond regulatory compliance and are deeply embedded in our culture, the skills and qualities of our professionals, the effectiveness of our processes.



We recognise and embrace the power of technology and the benefits that can be derived by combining this with the pragmatic challenge and judgement from our professional teams to deliver insights and value to support boards in their governance function, shareholders in fulfilling their stewardship role and as a result benefit society as a whole.

Do you have any questions for us about Audit & Assurance? 
