ISCA Technical Clinic: Audit of Accounting Estimates
Programme Objective
The objective of the Technical Clinic is to provide a platform for Public Accountants to come together to share and discuss technical issues among themselves in a focus group discussion setting facilitated by Mazars' Rick Chan, an experienced facilitator, with the aim of improving the quality of audit.
From the discussion, Public Accountants can learn from the experience of other Public Accountants thereby enabling them to form their own judgment and develop an appropriate solution to their issue.
The Technical Clinic is purely discussion-based (i.e. no presentations) and driven by the participants. To benefit from this discussion-based workshop, participants are encouraged to submit questions relating to the topic to for the facilitator’s preparation prior to the programme.
This Technical Clinic will focus on the topic – Audit of Accounting Estimates.
Accounting estimate is an approximation of a monetary amount in the absence of a precise means of measurement. Some financial statement items cannot be measured precisely, but can only be estimated. These items may include inventory obsolescence, warranty obligations, depreciation method, useful life of assets, fair value of certain financial instruments, etc. What are the challenges faced by the auditors in auditing the accounting estimates? How can the auditors evaluate the reasonableness of the accounting estimates and determine if there is any misstatement? How can the auditors avoid over-relying on the management’s process and assumptions as well as identify whether there are indicators of possible management bias?
Programme Outline
1:30 - 2:00 PM Registration
2:00 - 3:30 PM Discussion
3:30 - 4:00 PM Break
4:00 - 5:20 PM Discussion
5:20 - 5:30 PM Wrap-up/ Closing
23 May 2014
Level 1, Training Room 1
Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)
60 Cecil Street
ISCA House
Singapore 049709
Seminar Fees
S$80 per person for members (excl. GST)
Attendance is strictly reserved for CA Singapore with Certificate for Practice (i.e. Practising Members) only
CPE Hours: 3.0 ISCA CPE Hours
Sign up for the ISCA Technical Clinic to share your experience and learn from other fellow Public Accountants. Kindly register your interest at