What you need to know about Intra-Corporate Transferees (ICT)
Application of Employment Passes via the ICT route can be a popular choice as employers can be exempted from advertising the job on MyCareersFuture if certain conditions are met.
The two main requirements are: (i) the candidate must meet the definition of ICT under World Trade Organisation’s General Agreement Trade in Services or any applicable FTA; and (ii) the candidate must have worked for the overseas company outside Singapore for at least 1 year holding managerial, executive or specialist roles.
Although the exemption from the job advertisement is attractive, both the employers and candidates must understand that the family members of ICTs are generally not eligible for Dependent’s Passes or Long Term Visit Passes (unless covered by FTA) and an ICT is also generally not eligible for future employment in Singapore after the expiry / termination of their work pass, or for permanent residency. Therefore, applying the employment passes under the normal route may make better sense in most cases.
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