Beyond the GAAP no.95 - December 2015

As this issue goes to press, the IASB has just published the final version of the IFRS 16 – Leases standard. Originally scheduled for publication in time for Christmas, it turned out to be more of a New Year’s gift. Now it is finally here, issuers need to start preparing to recognise operating leases in the balance sheet from 2019 onwards.

The implementation timetable for the new standard will thus coincide with that for IFRS 15. The IASB is currently finalising the proposed amendments for the latter standard, and in this issue we present the Board’s decisions and the likely changes from the July 2015 exposure draft.

The Beyond the GAAP editorial team wishes you all the best for 2016, which looks set to be a busy year!


Beyond the GAAP no.95 - December 2015
Index - December 2015