Forvis Mazars Hackathon FAQ

Welcome to the Forvis Mazars Hackathon FAQ page! Here, you'll find answers to common questions about the Innovate with Forvis Mazars hackathon.

1. Who is eligible to participate in the hackathon, and what are the team composition requirements? 

The hackathon is open to all tech-oriented participants aged 18 to 28 who are passionate about innovation and problem-solving. Each team must consist of three members, including at least one female participant and one tertiary-level student. This structure ensures diversity and a mix of skills within each team to foster innovative thinking and collaboration.

2. How can we register for the Forvis Mazars Hackathon, and what is the registration deadline? 

To register for the Forvis Mazars Hackathon, teams must complete the registration process using the link provided on the event website. Registration opens on 6th September 2024 and closes on 20th September 2024. Teams are encouraged to register early to secure their participation and have ample time to prepare for the event.

3. What are the judging criteria for the hackathon, and who will evaluate the submissions? 

Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of industry experts based on three main criteria: 

  • Innovation (creativity and originality of the solution)
  • Feasibility (practicality and ease of implementation)
  • Impact (potential to solve real-world problems and create value). 

The judges will consist of professionals and thought leaders in the audit, accounting, and technology sectors, ensuring a fair and comprehensive evaluation process.

4. What are the key dates and timeline for the hackathon stages? 

The Forvis Mazars Hackathon is structured into three main stages over six weeks:

  • Ideation Stage (2 weeks): Begins with the hackathon kickoff on 4th October 2024, where teams brainstorm and develop their ideas.
  • Implementation Stage (2 weeks): Teams work on building and refining their solutions.
  • Final Presentation Stage (2 weeks): Culminates in the final presentations and judging on 15th November 2024, where selected teams present their projects to the judging panel.

5. What support and resources are provided to participants during the hackathon? 

Each team will be assigned a mentor who will guide them throughout the hackathon, providing expertise and advice to help refine ideas and develop solutions. Participants will also have access to networking opportunities with industry experts and peers, which can provide valuable insights and foster future collaborations. The hackathon offers a collaborative environment, encouraging knowledge sharing and innovation.

Recruitment Process

1. How do teams submit their proposals for the hackathon?

Teams need to submit their proposals through our designated platform. Each proposal should include:

  • Team Member Details: Names, roles, and contact information for all team members.
  • Team Idea: A detailed description of the project or solution the team is proposing.
  • Elevator Pitch: A brief, compelling summary of the idea that highlights its key aspects and potential impact.

2. When will teams be notified of their selection?

Teams will be notified of their selection status and provided with feedback after the evaluation process is complete. Notifications will be sent via email, and selected teams will receive instructions for the next steps.

3. Can teams receive feedback on their proposals even if they are not selected?

While detailed feedback is primarily provided to the top ten teams, teams that are not selected may receive general comments or suggestions to help them refine their ideas for future opportunities.