Damien de La Panouse Managing partner

Damien de La Panouse is partner in charge of Santiago office. After several years working as a financial auditor in Paris for Multinational Companies in the Industry sector, he started participating in Financial Advisory Assignments, and supported the Mazars Group in defining and implementing its international development strategy, working for the Group Executive Board. In 2012, he moved to Santiago in order to start running the Mazars operations in Chile. He is mainly focused in supporting international companies operating in Chile, through Audit, Financial Advisory Services and Tax assignments. He is used to work in an international environment together with other Group experts.

Damien has experience in leading, overseeing and providing internal audit, compliance, operational and financial review and operational audit services to clients in the mining, chemicals, communication & entertainment, retail, consumer products, energy, real estate, education, financial services and manufacturing industries in different locations around the world, including Europe and South America.

He supported various international companies in their activities in Chile.

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