Cyber security services

Operate confidently in today’s digital landscape with technological resilience. Our technology and cyber specialists can help you develop and implement a framework that enables you to monitor key activities and quickly react to cyber attacks. We also offer tailored privacy and data protection solutions to help businesses meet individual expectations including regulatory and compliance needs.

Examples of our services include

• Managed Security Services including 24X7 Security Operations Center (SOC) services, managed detection and response (EDR, MDR, XDR), managed SIEM & SOC as a service and also managed incident response 

• Red teaming assessments, including physical social engineering, scenario based testing, phishing services & purple teaming 

• Cyber risk assessments and programme reviews 

• Cyber breach readiness assessments 

• Cyber security open source intelligence (OSINT) 

• Cyber security awareness training for employees, boards and audit committees

• Cloud adoption assessment and support 

• Strategic resilience strategy and planning 

• Cyber resiliency and BCM & DR including business impact analysis (BIA) 

• Scenario-based workshops to test continuity plans 

• Vulnerability assessments and penetration testing 

• Hardware and OT/IoT security testing 

• Code reviews 

• Incident response, including incident response retainers, incident readiness & post incident review 

• ISO 27001 and PCI-DSS readiness assessments and support 

• Third-party assessments, audit and reporting (including ISAE3000, ISAE3402, SOC2, SOC3) 

• Security architecture reviews 

• Identity and access management (IdAM) 

• Organisational resilience programme assessments 

• Specialist help with disaster recovery and cyber security technology 

• Forensics 

• Ethical Hacking

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