Forensic investigation & compliance

Harnessing cutting-edge technology in disputes and investigations

Increased regulation and a greater focus on compliance are the key factors behind a rise in investigations into areas such as fraud, anti-bribery and corruption and other financial crime. Disputes and investigations require discretion and expertise as organizations seek to limit reputational and financial damage.


Our approach

We pride ourselves on our ability to undertake in-depth investigations, remaining sensitive to businesses’ concerns around reputation, confidentiality, and minimizing disruption. For accounting investigations, our qualified accountants and fraud experts have extensive experience with fraud, regulatory investigations, tax investigations and corruption cases. 

Once problems are identified, we involve specialists who can solve problems such as quantifying and recovering loss, deterrence and prevention of future similar problems.

Our people

Our team of dedicated specialists offers a truly international service, meaning we regularly advise national and international corporations and law firms. Our expert witnesses and investigations partners have given evidence in court and arbitrations and have led complex internal investigations.

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